Wednesday, February 21st, 2024 10:09 PM

Best practice for handling "missing from source" assets?


Is there a best practice for handling “missing from source” assets? For example, we have renamed some columns in a table and now the old columns show as a status of “missing from source”. This would also apply if we moved a table from one schema to another as we made a mistake with a mass cloud migration. Should we delete these “missing from source” assets or is there a flag to eliminate these when refreshing the metadata?


36 Messages


2.3K Points

16 days ago

there's an OOTB workflow you can use

- developer.collibra.com/tutorials/delete-missing-assets

- developer.collibra.com/tutorials/soft-delete-workflow

Our BAU is to monthly export them to a XLS [from a Global View], and attach same back to a reference Community in Collibra and then run the WF to remove them. 
