Monday, January 23rd, 2023 4:31 PM

ChatGPT for collibra

Hello all, have you started playing with ChatGPT to boost your data governance initiatives?
I’m pleasantly surprised by the capabilities of the solution, from writing emails to generating code!

Here are a few examples, have you applied it to any interesting use cases?

157 Messages

1 year ago

YES @arthur.burkhardt - read my mind!

Keen to see what others are thinking as my fun time with ChatGPT has been quite technical and more coding optimisation driven. Some fun ideas I’ve been exploring:

  • Feed/link to an external Java API (collibra) and ask ChatGPT to help create some basic groovy templates (e.g. create community, domain in community , asset in domain)
  • Link to Swagger API and ask ChatGPT to explain the basic resources that are exposable (especially powerful for making integration points scalable for other teams)
  • Ask ChatGPT to explain basic Data Governance ideas to a Toddler, Teenager, Adult and Expert (this one is especially fun!)

What have you been using ChatGPT for?

9 Messages

Yes! I’ve tried several things, but one area where it’s already providing value early on is in very quickly drafting candidate definitions. Provide it with enough context (about the business, data landscape, etc.), the rules for good definitions, and the list of terms you want defined, then have it start pumping our definitions! It will likely give you a mix of definitions that are good to go right away to some that need a little hand. The beauty is that you can coach it, asking it to redo the list each time. Once you’re happy with it, you can send the terms and definitions off as good starting places for stewards to review and adjust. You can also take critical feedback from SMEs or stewards who know what’s wrong but don’t know how to write a good definition - feed that back in to get a list of 3 new well-formed alternate definitions. I could see this particular feature potentially being integrated into Collibra via workflows and APIs - maybe! Perhaps it could even write the Groovy for us.
Our program also decided to set up an internal data governance and data management blog with a 1-2 article per month cadence. ChatGPT was able brainstorm topics, then write the article drafts with the right length and tone. None were 100% what we wanted as they were, but there were some great results that just needed a little bit of tweaking. It’s always nice to have a starting place - either to modify to just as inspiration to speed things up. There’s always so much to do when setting up a new program.

44 Messages

@wes.arnquist.solidigm.com you read my mind on this one, but I have to wait until ChatGPT is approved for our company to use. I had a similar idea a couple of years ago Ideation Platform – Collibra | Product Resource Center but its close as not planned. In the idea they stated there is another idea regarding ChatGPT DCC-I-1392 that I cannot get to.

Sharing your post with our team.

148 Messages


60 Points

Hi @david.botzenhart.duke-energy.com, I replied on your idea (:bulb: Auto populate the definition of a Business Term with industry definition from Internet) as well: DCC-I-1392 is indeed a Collibra internal-only idea.

It relates to the proof of concept with ChatGTP as described in this blog. There are two threads on the Data Citizens community which we are following as well:

(@arthur.burkhardt While not intended as such, this can serve as proof that yes, we are using Collibra Ideation internally as well. :wink: )

44 Messages

Thank you @ann.wuyts for your reply. This make sense why I couldn’t find the idea.
Just to let you know we will be looking into using Generative AI for creating the definitions. It may not be ChatGPT, but some other service in AWS. Looking to do a PoC this summer.

148 Messages


60 Points

Keep us posted on the results! :arrow_up: @alexandre.tkint.collibra.com

Our ideation software also introduced ‘draft with AI’ capabilities (internal only, not on the portal). It tends to be longwinded, rather than drafting crisp ideas. I told it to generate a product idea to include in this post. I got release notes instead*. :laughing:

*Which is an option you can choose. But I did not have that enabled. And I told it ‘a product improvement idea’ in the field ‘I am writing’.

19 Messages

1 year ago

I like the discussion that is going on here!
Here is a blog that we wrote on using ChatGPT to help a Data Steward describe columns >Link<

8 Messages

1 year ago

Thank you for sharing this
